Monday, March 30, 2015

Short steps,long strides

I have a question in my heart time and again
Mother should I ask you now or should I refrain
Is distance the number of steps from finish to start ?
Or are they thoughts that draw hearts to grow apart ?
Which distance is harder to overcome you think?
Which takes longer ?Which is over in a blink?
Some take short steps and some longer strides
Some may zip by and some take longer rides
What do you think Mother ,tell me what is the distance you can’t see
Is it just living apart ,or when the heart grows apart and you let it be?
I know the answer is simple but I cannot seem to understand
If it is simple of overcome,why did we let the distance grow offhand?
Come here ,my dear let me explain what distance means
It is a little of this and that ,somewhere in between
Distance isn’t just by where you live ,close or far
It is when you keep your silence,even with no words you scar
Sometimes the heart grows fonder even when you are apart
Sometimes the deadly silence add miles from finish to start
Then you traverse a long distance to build the relation again
It is definitely not what you chose, when words you refrain
It is important to let people you love know how you feel
Near or far ,with words or action however you appeal
When we fail to show and serve one another with care
Hearts grows apart and a bigger distance we share
We try to ignore what is sometimes beyond repair
Or try to pretend nothing is wrong out of despair
Respect another one for all that he is seeking from your heart
Distance is covered in short steps from the finish to start
In the journey of life many a road you will take
Remember the relations of the past and the new ones you make
Everybody in your journey are here for a reason you don't know
Value each and every one and don't forget to show
If we love and value every relationship we hold
In thoughts,words and deeds we honestly behold
Every short step will turn into a long stride into hearts
No distance will be big enough to keep you apart .

Friday, September 6, 2013

Running free

Through the green meadows and the blue skies
Free your mind  and let your spirits rise
Run free my dear ,run free today
Blue skies come in after they are grey

Tomorrow is yet to come, yesterday is gone
Today is here as a  new surprise every glorious dawn
Run free my dear, run free today
Blue skies come in after they are grey

Count all as friends, as many as you find
Everyone is special, each one a special kind
Run free my dear ,run free today
Blue skies come in after they are grey

Some are in your life to teach you love
Some teach you to give and some teach you to let go
Run free my dear, run free today
Blue skies come in after they are grey

Be like the clear rivers that swim over many ups and downs
Nothing ever stopped her, she flows without a frown
Run free my dear ,run free today
Blue skies come in after they are grey

Free yourself from worries, fears and hatred above all
Love all around, look for no returns big or small
Run free my dear ,run free today
Blue skies come in after they are grey

The blue bird of happiness is always hovering around
Free yourself of the baggage so he can be found
Run free with your arms against the gentle breeze
Life is always in the green meadows waiting to be seized

Wednesday, June 12, 2013

Flowing downstream

The wee morning hours, the soft kisses of the sun
The morning breeze, bliss beyond none
The smell of morning coffee fills the morning air
Starting a new day, a brand new affair

Starting with a  smile ,shedding the morning blues
A brand new day awaits, make it worth as you choose
As the sun climbs up the morning skies
He invites to you to awake and arise

Yesterday is gone ,with moments of fun or forlorn
Start from there don’t stop,for new thoughts are born
Let the past not  take you down,rise and stand tall
You don’t lose when you get yourself up after every fall

Think of the mountains standing by the great blue sky
Wuthering many a storm , without a question why
The storm will pass and he knows the new day will dawn
Then all his worries,downstream they will flow on

Worries multiply,when you hold them in your fist
Open your mind and embrace them,do not resist
Each a lesson for you to live and learn
Life’s little lessons have many a return

Every day has small stories to tell
Many friends and many an enemy to quell
Some are inside and some outside of you
All that matters is that they don’t take you down too

Take each day as it comes, gather and spread a smile or two
Let every morning, begin as a journey anew
Carry no worries from the day before
Release and downstream they flow

Wednesday, May 29, 2013

The Old Oak Tree

In the rolling meadows and clear blue skies
Stands the old oak tree ,from the shadow rising high
He stands alone but doesn’t seem sad
He sways to the breeze  feeling all so glad

He stands there through a storm or drizzle
Stands all alone sullen and unruffled
He stays there alone day or night
He doesn’t seem shaken and stands upright

I look closer and realize he isn’t alone
He is surrounded by life,many not just one
His giant arms sprawling high up and above
He swoops many a bird and shares his love

They build their nests and make their abode
His arms  they trust , his love they owe
They chirp with joy in a haven so secure
Their tunes soothe the morning and many they allure

The hardworking ants climb on his trunk in a line
An epitome of team work,with manners so refined
They work through the day,until the sun shines crimson and low
Working to stay safe in the cold winter days of snow

Chipmunks racing up tagging  each other
Together they work ,  running hither and thither
Gathering nuts and storing them in the old Oak  
That is their home ,the one that is never revoked

His sprawling branches and the dense green leaves
Provides the cool shades for all  who beseech
Old Oak tree I wish there we more like you
Forever giving and expecting nothing back as dues.  

Wednesday, May 22, 2013


Tiny twinkling stars ,way up in the night sky
Wonders of nature ,shining bright up so high
Every night the sky is filled with its glory
Gaze at them and  each tell you a story

Constellation are many , each one distinct
Leo,Libra,Aquarius,Gemini or the Lynx
The Hunter and the Bears ,Big or Small  
Beauty beyond wonder the sky is covered in them all

Often I wonder gazing at the stars up above
People are just like you,not often they know
They all have their spot in the world around
Each a shiny star, shining above and beyond

Some shine bright, some shine dull
Just like folks who feel unhappy or full
Some seem farther and some seem close
Some friends are warmer or colder as they choose

Some are shooting stars who whiz past in your life
They leave a streak of light in desperate times of strife
Everybody is in your life for a reason,some to teach you love
Some teach you to care and some teach to you how to let go

They are all here for a reason so embrace them as they are
If everybody was same, the same stars would be shining far
Each person has some streaks of good and bad in them
Leave the bad in them and look inside for the shining gem .

Tuesday, May 21, 2013

Looking within

I am always looking ,looking for it everywhere
At times more often it feels ,it was never quite there
I am looking for happiness and I seek it outside
I look elsewhere from me,but always within it resides

I am looking for a smile,others to make them for me
I know they can but why do they just let me be
Smile comes when your heart is filled with joy inside
I look elsewhere from me,but always within it resides

I look for joy that sparkles my eyes
Peace with which my soul shall rise
These I seek ,and I seek them outside
I look elsewhere ,but within it resides

The recipe for life is so simple yet wonderous to live
Life is to live for you and for others to give
Share your happiness and laughs to multiply
Don’t hold many griefs,simply let them fly

Start everyday with a spoon of sugar and spice
Stir with warmth of laughter, let the joys rise
Share it with someone special everyday ,with sprinkles of laughter
Everyday is a celebration, be assured life only gets better !

Tuesday, April 30, 2013


Good night my dear,sleep tight
Wish you dreams of pure star light
I hope you sail across a sea of peace
Wonders in your mind pray never cease

Mom , I think I want to be a astronaut to the moon
I heard the rockets they ride ,take you to space so very soon
Dear ,dream to be like the moon and the stars
They shine every night ,with glow beyond  par

Mom,I think I will be like the wind then who blows very fast
I can glide if I want and run into future or through my past
Dear , dream to be like the wind which sweeps through your hair
Brings the cool comfort on a summer day with cool soothing air

Mom,I think I will be like the butterfly who is so close to the flowers
I can help in the pollination and create colorful ground covers
Dear, dream to be like the spring ,the season that brings colors out
With the sun and the rain together you will be a rainbow without a doubt

Mom,I think I will be the winter snow when everthing is pure and white
I can build a snow man and with the friends together I can have a snowball fight
Dear,dream to be like the snow capped mountains that stand majestic and tall
All the weather changes on him and still he stays without a taking a fall

Mom ,there are so many things I would like to be and I cannot seem to take a pick
There is oh so much around me but nothing seems to stick
All you need to be is so full of love, for what you do and for everything around you
You will be doing wonders believe me, even if you are not really trying to !!