Wednesday, May 22, 2013


Tiny twinkling stars ,way up in the night sky
Wonders of nature ,shining bright up so high
Every night the sky is filled with its glory
Gaze at them and  each tell you a story

Constellation are many , each one distinct
Leo,Libra,Aquarius,Gemini or the Lynx
The Hunter and the Bears ,Big or Small  
Beauty beyond wonder the sky is covered in them all

Often I wonder gazing at the stars up above
People are just like you,not often they know
They all have their spot in the world around
Each a shiny star, shining above and beyond

Some shine bright, some shine dull
Just like folks who feel unhappy or full
Some seem farther and some seem close
Some friends are warmer or colder as they choose

Some are shooting stars who whiz past in your life
They leave a streak of light in desperate times of strife
Everybody is in your life for a reason,some to teach you love
Some teach you to care and some teach to you how to let go

They are all here for a reason so embrace them as they are
If everybody was same, the same stars would be shining far
Each person has some streaks of good and bad in them
Leave the bad in them and look inside for the shining gem .

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