Monday, April 22, 2013

Down the cobblestone road

Down the cobblestone road ,we stroll
Life we call it,bumpy and yet we extol
It will have potholes ,some big some small
But if we don’t get back up,that is when you truly fall

True failures are not when we don’t excel
Not when you get back up, doubts you dispel
Failures are when you don’t want to be back on the ride
You choose to lay down ,and not take it in your stride

As we walk ahead ,with a  thousand dreams
Thoughts and deeds ,flow in a sparkling stream
Don’t give up and don’t forget to gaze at the stars
Looking up puts you and the best in par

Along  the winding road ,beautiful flowers we will see
Weeds are there too, but look  for the best within you and me
Never  fail to understand we are not the best in all we do
A streak of good with bad in everyone makes it worth the woo

Life isn’t a bed of roses as the saying  goes
I think not , dare I say for a rose is a friend and a foe
Sometimes we fail and sometimes others fail you
Failure is the stepping stone, so learn and be on the move

The cobble stone road will lead you to your destiny at last
Stand there and look at the castle ahead,try not to see the past
It isn’t easy for we like to go back to where we were
Glance back ,stare but don’t let castle slip and dreams defer

Let your soul shine day and night,let the darkness out
It is a mighty fight, stay strong have no doubt
Make your life worth the live for you and others around you
Shine your soul , for untarnished is how  we came in too .

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