Thursday, January 10, 2013

12 and counting

I think back to the first day we met
Not sure what we were getting into yet
We took a leap of faith anyways
Though we still wonder about it some days

Life has been fast,with ups and downs for sure
But nothing more than what we can endure
Two kids ,three dogs and two moves later
Life taught us lessons,none too small or greater 

Twelve years and eight thousand miles we have come
Sleepless nights,birthdays, greying hairs  and carpools are just some
There are million more sleepless nights and zillion laughs more to share
 There will be some wars and tears, but we got to hang in there

 As long as we have each others back we have nothing to fear
 Sometimes we will turn against each other,but that is normal my dear
 Kids will one day grow their wings and fly out of the nest
Until then we need to play tough and then we get to rest 

Cheers to many more years and more battles to be won
Some with traffic,homework and tests and some just for fun
But we will get through these slowly and steadily, but as we get there
Thankfully we have each other to help prepare !

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